Dialogue BINGOOO Abstract

This function is only available in BINGOOO professional and BINGOOO corporate

The dialogue BINGOOO Abstract can be opened by clicking on the symbol Abstract in the sidebar on the right-hand side. Here, you can see the abstract of the information given in the website currently loaded in the browser.
You may vary the length of the abstract. Apart from that, you can print it, export it, add it to your clipping archive or save it in the fast memory in order to copy it into other programmes.

Toolbar BINGOOO Abstract

Click on that button to add the abstract directly to your clipping archive.
Click on that button to save the abstract to the fast memory.
Click on that button to export the abstract.
Click on that button to print the abstract.
Click on that button to close the dialogue.

Subject line
The subject line shows the source the abstract refers to.
On the right-hand side you will find the scroll-bar Abstract length. Here you can change the length of the abstract.

Text field
Column Keywords (on the left-hand side)
Here are listed the keywords the abstract is based on. In brackets, the number tells you how often the respective keyword is mentioned in the original text.
Column Abstract (on the right-hand side)
Here you can read the abstract. The keywords from the list are highlighted.

You can find further information under:

How to add a web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)
How to edit a web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)
How to show web clipping (BINGOOO Professional)
How to create an abstract of website information (BINGOOO professional)
Sidebar right-hand-side